Friday, September 9, 2011

beast mode


  • beast mode
  • the importance of wrestling
  • kayak
  • it's Friday, thank god
beast mode

I had a beast moment yesterday, during gym. After we finished doing burpees (super gay), jump squats (extra gay), jumping lunges (kind of gay), planks and stairs, we went inside and worked on our wrestling. We once again drilled the snap down, and then added the rear naked choke (or Mata Leon) to the move. We drilled that for some time, and then we had to wrestle live. Well I wrestled some new kid, he ended up taking me down but he couldn't control the position because.. I wouldn't let him, duh, hello. I fought a girl twice, she defended the second time, I was proud of her. (Mostly because she never tries until I start putting the pressure.) And then came the beast moment. I had to wrestle this kid and as he went for a double leg take-down, I jumped, spun around him and took his back. IT. WAS. SO. FRICKING. COOL. The whole class said 'holy shit" at the same time. And I needed that, because my confidence has been sour for this upcoming tournament as I haven't been working out or grappling how I used to. It was nice to have some of the kids come up to me after congratulating me and telling me how cool that was. :^) we all need a little ego boost sometimes.

the importance of wrestling
After Grappler's Quest, I realized the importance of take downs having a good stand up game. This weekend, on Saturday after class I'm wrestling with a kid who wrestled for CP for 3 years. He said he was pretty decent, which is what I need, anything better than me with great form, I'll take. Sunday I have another friend, who grappled with me regularly until he hurt his ankles, coming to drill and is bringing along his cousin who wrestles for Ferguson. He says his cousin will help me improve. Perfect, I need all the wrestling help I can get.

female best friend "ML" invited me to go kayaking this Sunday. As this may conflict with the Ferguson wrestling, I'm trying to see if I can push the wrestling to later so I can still Kayak. It must be so awesome and cool and awesome. And an excellent arm work out, which is why I also WANT to do it! I'm gonna make it work, I want to do both. Both have awesome benefits.

it's Friday, thank god
Friday's are wonderful days, now that Saturday classes consist of grappling. Tonight I'll be going out with an old friend of mine whom I have a drill with.

He texts me (always during gym) saying, hey it's been a while. Let's hang out. 

We plan a day, it never happens.

Two months later, he reappears.

Repeats cycle.

Until yesterday, when I told him not to bother and laughed in his face.

But supposedly now we really are gonna catch up. Yeah, we'll see about that.

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