Monday, September 5, 2011

Ongoing reggaeton phase?

today's discussions

  • the zoo
  • this delicious protein shake I'm drinking (and its fabulous recipe!)
  • the horrible sun today
  • my current reggaeton phase
  • college! wooo!

the zoo
Today I went to the zoo, courtesy of my beautiful mother and LivingSocial's fabulous deal which got us all $5 entrance tickets. As it turns out, the zoo has it's on $5 dollar days so technically, LivingSocial just let us know about the deal and did not save us any money. Anyways, we arrived and it was PACKED. After we entered, we went straight to the giraffes. We passed by the turtles, a bunch of bovine creatures, and eventually made it to the giraffe line. Mom finally lived out her current American Dream as she watched her daughters feed a pair of  14+ feet animals a bunch of celery. My baby sister played in the water park area of the zoo while I went into the "Amazon" portion looking for the Harpy eagle. Sadly, I did not find it :( The zoo truly is a maze and its maps are horrible. 
"Here giraffey giraffey!"

*Interesting facts about the Harpy Eagle:
  • The Harpy Eagle is an actively hunting carnivore and is an apex predator, meaning that adults are at the top of a food chain and have no natural predators.
  • The Harpy may take domestic livestock but this is extremely rare. (BUT THEY CAN STILL DO IT, HELLO!)
  • It can also lift more than three-quarters of its body weight. That allows the bird to snatch a live sloth from tree branches, as well as other huge prey items: There are accounts of Harpys capturing and flying off with howler monkeys and sloths weighing up to 14 to 17 lbs. (THAT'S RIDICULOUS.)
  • they're gorgeous. And this isn't an opinion, it's a real proven fact. Just like Hawkheads. :-)
"I am the best mommy ever."
"I watch you while you sleep. And your children too."

I love birds. <3 if I could, I would study to be an ornithologist. Maybe as a part-time or hobby one day. 

this delicious protein shake I'm drinking (and it's fabulous recipe!)
I'm not fan much of protein shakes sometimes. While concocting one of my own, I put too many blueberries and since that day, about a year ago, I can't stand the smell or taste of blueberries. But the other day my mom bought some Naked Juice (because it was on sale and it was in the fruit section) and she started mixing some of her own stuff and then handed me this magenta colored drink.

it. was. fabulous. 

As a matter of fact, it was so fabulous that I am going to write the recipe, so whoever reads this can try it out. And if Nobody reads this too, then they can try it out too! Even if you read this once, and never come back, take this recipe with you and share it with the world. 

I call it,

the really good tastin' pink shake

-4 or 5 ice cubes
-2 oz water
-2 plastic spoonfuls of any type of powdered fiber, though I prefer the coarse (adding fiber to your diet is important!)

-put in cup. I use Fit&Fresh's mini blender
-serve and enjoy it

It's delectable and everyone should try it. EVERYONE. (AND it has blueberries.)

the horrible sun today
Today's sun was horrible. I thought my skin was melting off into tan little puddles at the zoo. I felt like Riddick in that scene where they are all running away from the sun that kills people as I ran towards my car. More like power-walked because I already didn't have my legs.They were somewhere left behind in between the elephants and zebra exhibit. We ate some chicken after. I drove home almost dead. My eyes were watery and my skin burned to the touch. Literally, it was hell. Even around 4 as I went downstairs to retrieve some papers from the car, I was stunned at how powerful and hot it was, just to make a quick dash to the car. Hopefully the sun isn't hell tomorrow if I have to use my "chevro-legs" to make it to train. :-) though all the more exercise, the better.

my current reggaeton phase
oh so last night, I decided to download some song that said "parate y ponte hyper." I heard this song at a party two days earlier. It was catchy, it was dumb and it made me want to dance, so I downloaded it. It's called "Atrevete" by Calle 13.

And then I did the mistake of listening to more of his songs, like a collabo he has with Shakira (I like the live version) and I ended up downloading a list full of Spanish songs by different artists. The whole time spent at the zoo I was jamming to some a**-shaking songs.
I'm certain this sudden affliction for Spanish music had to do with the party I attended, being that was basically all that was played. 

college! woo!
tomorrow I meet up with my former CAP Advisor at 7 a.m. to start my college application process. I'm so very excited because now I can start studying! Like I've mentioned before, I've done research on tips and things to be on the look out for. Before, in other things I would do, I would set myself up for failure by taking on too much to handle but with my first tournament, I realized, "if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail" and that's why I'm taking this slowly and making sure I'm ready to the letter. I want to make sure I can do the best I can possible do. I want to be able to say "I came, I saw, I conquered" in everything I do. That's why I must win (honorably) top 3 at this next tournament so I can do my "veni, vidi, vici" tattoo on my index finger. :)

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