Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the thing about birds.

Last night I finished watching Your Highness at about 12, therefore I could not write as I was too tired. I shall (obviously) post now.

Today's topics
  • birds
  • belt test results
  • the crazy rain
  • work out buddy
  • best friend
  • little sister
  • I hear the mail man!
I love birds. If you didn't already get that from the Harpy Eagle and I-want-to-be-an-ornithologist-one-day post. I love 'em lots. All of them, from the pigeons on the streets behind the grocery store, to the bluejays that play eagerly outside my balcony, to the green loros that live in the trees on the way to my sister's school. You get the point. I love domestic birds, I love birds of prey, birds of paradise, birds in your home, birds in my friend's house, birds that fly around in the grocery store and at the mall.

Plain-fully: just birds.

Anyways, my dad bought me two cockatiels a while ago. They bred and started their own family. The guy is called Pollo. The girl is called Baby. All our animals (except my dog) have unoriginal names.

Baby is on the left, Pollo is on the right. Pollo hates being near the camera, Baby cannot get enough of it, despite her "WTF are you doing now?" face.

 They started laying eggs sometime in February. It was fabulous and wonderful, since I stay home all the time, I could help care and watch over for the chickies. (I call all birds little chickens.) Actually, it was the opposite. It was heartbreak. I truly watched as "only the strong survived" played out in that little bird cage, as the first(ever)born Lucius competed with a hatchling less than half of his size. Though I tried to raise the hatchling by myself, feed and warmth, it was not enough and it passed.

  1. Now before you begin to wonder, I have handled birds for a loooooooooooooooooong looooooooooooooong time so I know what I am doing. A tragic accident I had years ago created my love for birds and the need to take care of them. I reject no birds I find on the street, and take them in and give them a peaceful last few days if they are sick, or help mend them and have them continue on their way.
  2. And if you begin to wonder why we called it Lucius, well it was because first it was going to be Lucy. Then we realized it was a boy. So we changed the name to Luc-IUS. Weird name, I know. Lucius ended up being given to my grandma, though, as much as I fought to keep him.
Well my little chickens laid yet another batch of eggs sometime ago, and one hatched. Already sure of it's death, I did not intervene with the parents as they raised it. We called it Amy when it was born, short for America, since that was the day I received my paperwork. (And if she ends up being a boy, then she'll end up being called Amerigo Vespucci.) She's cute, chirps quietly when you pet her behind the neck.

I believe I have some form of curse when it comes to birds though, as I have seen more pass than live. Last week while the birds were outside, I noticed Amy panting. I brought the cage inside, thinking it was the heat that had her like that. I changed their water, checked their food and when she relaxed, I thought nothing more of it. Until yesterday, when I noticed Pollo plucking out Amy's orange cheek feathers. I let the birds out so Baby and Pollo could destress and leave her alone. As they crawled out, I looked over to Amy and my heart sank. She was sitting at the bottom of the cage, with her back into a hump and her wings spread out. She was panting, and it seemed she was about to begin stargazing. Stargazing usually leads to death, in my experience. I am a crybaby and so I started crying. It never helps, but I cant control myself. I took her out of the cage and begin to research. I have lost so many birds, but I fight to ensure they live. All animals deserve another chance.

(*OFF TOPIC STORY* It was like one time I saved a large gecko from a cat. It had lost a lot of blood but it was alive. I picked it up and brought it upstairs. I told my mom about it, and praise my mom for the patience she has about bring animals home, and she told me to find a box. I set it on a napkin and when nighttime rolled around, I set it outside on a potted plant. A little while after I asked my mom to take a look at it with me. I grabbed my flashlight and as I searched for it, I found it... covered in huge red ants. I'm allergic to ants, but I screamed and grabbed the napkin. My mom came to the rescue when she removed all the ants from the lizard. It was still alive and going strong. After I finished crying like a baby, I did research research research. I used information from larger pet lizards to use on this little fellow's gaping wound around its neck. All the sites suggested Neosporin. Though I tried to fight for its life, even by finding all types of bugs, including spiders, flies, ROACHES, and ants, it eventually died. BUT it did not die a horrible death by ant bites.)

My household always carries a can of powdered baby bird food (duh) and I made some. I added a few drops of bird multivitamin and fed it to her. She seemed a bit more alive also when I came home from picking up my sister. My dad brought antibiotics* just in case to administer. This was last night. They (Pollo and Amy) are getting along now though, and he has just picked her face a few times. Maybe it's part of a learning method I haven't seen (because it seems to me that he is encouraging her to learn to eat dry food.) My heart feels better. That changes my whole mood.

*From previous experience with a bird named Pidge (who was obviously a pigeon) who had been attacked by a cat, all I could find was that antibiotics could help with her disease. Sadly Pidge began to stargaze and eventually passed while I held her. I remember spending all practice freaked out. My friends know about my love for these chickens and know how it upsets me when I see a dead bird on the streets or a bird that's injured. My best friend allows the birds in his new car because he. just. knows.

belt test results
I arrived to the gym hoping we wouldn't run. I was already dreadfully tired and felt like dying from the beginning of my period and the whole bird thing. Luckily, we did NOT have to run. Surely we wont be so fortunate tomorrow. Coach had us line up against the cage and then he began to hand out rankings. He called my name out and I walked towards the front of the class. I wasn't paying attention (as I usually haven’t been for feeling like I was going to pass out) and forgot I had to stand in order to receive my next stripe, not get on my knees. Anyways, the assistant coach handed him a black stripe (this black stripe is duct tape, for those who don't know. Original, I know) and he grabbed my belt and proceeded to wrap the stripe around the tip. He didn't tell me to use my hands more. Maybe he got the hint, maybe he forgot, or maybe it was because this time he brought in new material for advice this time.

Coach: “How is weight coming along?”

As in, have you lost the 15 lbs yet for the upcoming grappling tournament which you have already preregistered for?

Me: "It's good Coach."

As in, I still weigh 150 lbs and the tournament is in less than 3 weeks. So IT'S COMING ALONG REALLY BAD.

Coach: "Are you still competing?"

Oh wow, did you really just ask me that? Should I say, DUH? Didn't I just tell you my weight is just fine for the tournament? Context clues, hello!

Me: "Yes I've already signed up."

Coach: "Good."

Duh. I signed up before any of your other students. 

Then we practiced passing guards, a wrestling move that I liked very  much and felt very comfortable with so I should be drilling it more often.

Then we grappled for a bit, class was over and my mom came and picked us up to head over to the grocery store right next door. Which brings me to my next topic.

the crazy rain.
Oye, it was pouring like a mother yesterday. The skies began to turn crazy. It looked like Twister without the tornado ravishing the little plaza. Dark gray skies, strong winds that picked up dirt and newspaper off of the ground, carrying it towards us and the hoods and windows of people's cars. Small sporadic droplets of water sprinkling from those massive clouds. Mom parked and we grocery shopped for the delicious diet I've been doing, which consists purely of supplements, water and healthy food. As we walked towards the car, the sky was falling. Literally. There were chunks of the clouds on the floor. I ran to the car with my baby sister and the groceries, loaded up the trunk and swung by to get my mom.

Rain is water. And if you get a bit or a downpour of water on you, you aren't going to melt. So have fun next time it rains. Life is too short to be angry about getting wet.
Except if you step in a puddle with your new Nike's that you treasure. Then that f$%*ing pisses me off.

work out buddy
After about a week, I finally saw Viv today. We headed over to walk around the park with our weighted vests on. We caught up on her son's "M" and "D", "D's" girlfriend, her mother-in-law, things of the sort. Then about the tournament and how my vist with the CAP adviser went. Afterwards she bought us IsoPure. I got the fruit punch colored one, she got the grape. IsoPure testers, stick to the green one.
best friend
My best friend finally kissed the girl of his dreams yesterday night. He texted me frantically, letting me know that he finally gathered the genitalia to lean in forward and take the chance. He said she didn't mind and smiled after. Maybe this is finally kicking off (after about more than a year of non-stop trying.) My first reply was: finally. Today they're going to talk about it, in person. They're going to have an "A.A.R." (After Action Review) about it. Hahaha old ROTC terms. :-|
little sister
Speaking of love and romantic stuff, my little sister managed to finally get that boy's phone number today, the one she has been crushing on for a week and so. Tonight she's going to call him and they're going to have a nice chat. 

I hear the mail man!
And I think I'm going to go downstairs to check it out and see if my license has arrived already so that I can stop carrying around my green card and upgrade to a cooler form of i.d. :-)

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