Sunday, September 4, 2011

What to expect?

I normally have much to say, despite my quiet demeanor.

Today I'll be covering several topics, such as
  • college! woo!
  • I hate this diet
  • the zoo
  • pole dancing lessons and hot yoga
  • how boring this Sunday has been (but how it's not anymore now that I decided to do this blog.)

Today while I was shifting through some old high school papers, I decided to look up a few tips for those students who are beginning college soon. 

Along with the usual of "actually ATTEND class" and "actually PAY ATTENTION in class", I found some interesting ones like "if your entire week (Monday through Sunday) consists of partying, you may need to attempt to remember why you’re at college in the first place (Hint: It’s not “to party”)" and "make friends with local campus police, it might save you from spending a night in jail."

I've saved some of the links for when I start school. I'll probably make and print of list of reminders to keep me in check so I don't slack off during the new school year. I'll also probably most likely list the links of the side as well so we can all share in the knowledge of how much to not drink our freshman year :)

I hate this diet:
Meanwhile today I started that diet that's going to help me cut 18 pounds by September 24th for the upcoming grappling tournament. Of course I will be incorporating some hardcore exercise as well for the next three weeks. But I have kind of already failed by eating the last half of the cheesecake that my mom left from last night. I'm weighing in at 151 lbs. I have to make it to 134.9 or less in order to make it to the middle weight division. Last tournament there were no girls in my weight division and I was bumped up another division. My measly 150 lbs were destroyed by a 180+ pounder. She won by points, not by tap. :)

Tomorrow we'll be going to the zoo for labor day. Leave it to LivingSocial to find my mom and I some sweet deals, like the one for tomorrow. $5 entrance fee! Last time we went to the zoo, my mom wanted my baby sister and I to feed the giraffes. By the time we got there, it was too late and they had closed the feeding station. Enraged, my mom swore that next time we went, we would go straight to the giraffes, screw every other animal. Sounds like a plan!

pole dancing lessons and hot yoga:
LivingSocial has also found us a spectacular deal on pole dancing lessons. I won't be doing that with my mom though, I will be doing it with my long-time work out buddy (about 3 months) Viv, the mother of my personal Brazilian jiujitsu training partner, "D" and I-don't-want-to-talk-to-you-anymore-ex-more-than-friend-but-not-boyfriend, "M." Viv also recommended I do hot yoga to help with my joints, so we should be doing that in the upcoming weeks as well before the tournament. I cant wait. She says this yoga forces you to reach a state of mind where you relax your body despite the overbearing heat. Developing a state of mind where I can reach relaxation during a period of extreme duress would benefit  me greatly in my grappling. I look forward to it.

how boring this Sunday has been (but how it's not anymore now that I decided to do this blog):
It started pouring randomly (well the day had already looked like crap anyways) at around 2. I thought today was going to be boring. My mom is getting sick and so she was sleeping in the other room. I didn't want to make noise so I couldn't finish organizing my desk how I wanted to. I was gathering all the paperwork to begin the college application and financial aid process. I need some of her things too so I just wrote it down in a list and left it alone. It's only 4:30 in the afternoon and I don't know what else to do. Maybe I'll finish furnishing my blog and I should work on getting some followers as well. Just as when I started my Twitter (which I am a huge, active lover of), now I am close to 200 followers. And that means a lot to me, considering I talk a lot of nonsense on it. 

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